Sisters Celebrate Earth Day May 9, 2017

The Care of Creation Team hosted “Know the Creator through Creation” in celebration of Earth Day on April 22, 2017. “The highlight of the session was the lively discussion that took place which focused on practical actions that we can take each day to care for our ‘Common Home’ and also to advocate for the care of creation and care of the poor,” commented Sister Mary Anna Euring who spearheaded the event.

Some ways to help were spelled out A – Z:

Advocate for public policies and private action to stem climate change
Buy products with climate change in mind
Car pool and Car Care: (tire pressure, amount of driving, engine tune-up)
Demand policies related to reducing energy use and emissions
Eliminate all toxic cleaning materials
Find ways to re-use and re-cycle
Get information about what your community is already doing
Hire people who are passionate about environmental responsibility
Install solar panels
Keep a supply of cloth shopping bags for shopping (never plastic!)
Local purchasing and use LED light bulbs
Make the preservation of Earth an agenda item for all conversations
Never (or almost never) print e-mails
Offer your ideas in saving the earth with others
Pray for our Earth and the people who are harmed by climate change
Quantify your carbon footprint at Carbon Offsets to Alleviate Poverty
Reduce water use when showering & brushing teeth
Switch to low-flow showerr heads and faucet aerators
Turn off /unplug lights, computers, electrical appliances. Be mindful in the use of electricity
Use recycled paper goods if it is not possible to eliminate their use completely
Visit facilities with good energy/emission/waste reduction programs and be inspired
Work with others in your community/neighborhood who care about climate change
Xpect push-back, but keep going! Rec-
Ycle and work toward
Zero emissions by 2030

The closing prayer included a blessing of Homecoming Farm and those who work on it to continue our congregation’s goal to promote the viability and sustainability of the Earth.


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