Spiritual Life
Deepening and expanding a relationship with God
It is through prayer that the Sisters of St. Dominic deepen and expand their relationship with God and build the foundation for a life rooted in the Gospel. Whether praying privately or with others, the Sisters study the Word of God and take time to be alone with Jesus in silence and contemplation.
Look for some ways that can help you deepen and expand your own prayer life by learning and praying with the Sisters.
Sister Patricia Duffy, OP
Sister Patricia Duffy, OP, founder of the Siena Spirituality Center in Water Mill, is the director of Christ House Prayer in Mastic Beach. A Dominican Sister for over 40 years, Sister Pat preaches the Gospel directly to women with a series of meetings at St. Ursula Center in Blue Point.
A published author of the book Womansoul: Letters of Encouragement and Possibility, Sister Pat approaches life with the same kind of courage and humor she discovered in her doctoral dissertation entitled “Woman Who Settle for More: Passionate Possibilities.” Sister Pat studied twelve women, using psychologist Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of values, and discovered a value essential to self-actualization that Maslow had not included in his hierarchy. All of these women had courage, a sense of the possible, and a sense of humor. Sister Pat believes that it is her job to bring people to God and to themselves and try to get out of the way.
For more information about Sister Pat Duffy and her upcoming "Porch Chats" please visit:
Sister Pat’s Facebook page
Sister Margaret Galiardi, OP
Sister Margaret Galiardi, OP, has lectured nationally on ecological theology and spirituality, the “New Story and the Christian Story,” and the work of Thomas Berry. She designs workshops, retreats, and campus-wide events focused on spirituality for the 21st century. She has published two books: Encountering Mystery in the Wilderness: One Women’s Vision Quest and Where the Pure Water Flows: The Universe Story and Christian Faith.
Sister Margaret is a contributor to ICCD’s book, Crucible for Change.
For more information, contact S. Margaret:
Email: mgaliardi@amityop.org
Sister Virginia Connors, OP
Sister Virginia Connors, (Sister Ginny) shares her gift of medical massage therapy with active and recovering cancer patients. A massage therapist for over twenty years, Sister Ginny provides holistic treatment and care for men, women, and children.
She provides massage therapy to all cancer patients and survivors; promoting the dignity of children, men, and women of all races and creeds who, because of their insurance status and lack of financial resources, cannot afford these treatments and services.
“I realize how God has given me a special gift to carry out His love and caring for His people through my ministry,” said Sister Ginny. She added, “God is truly working through me to bring all His compassion and healing comfort to those who need it most.”
For more information about Sister Ginny please contact:
Phone: (516) 746-2025
The Dominican Sisters of Amityville offer weekly opportunities to participate with others in the ancient Christian practice of Contemplative Prayer. All of the groups are led by the Sisters who provide both instruction and encouragement. For a full 90 minutes, learn to quiet your mind and turn toward God fully so that you can experience the presence of God in your own heart and in turn be the presence of God in our wounded world.
Groups are led by Sister Colleen Colbert, OP in St. Pancras in Glendale; Sister Anne Rogers, OP in the Motherhouse in Amityville; Sister Margaret Galiardi, OP in St. Mary’s in Roslyn; and Sister Marie Danaher, OP at St. Mary’s in Roslyn.
Meeting Schedule:
- Monday at 10:00 a.m. at Good Shepherd Convent in Brooklyn
- Wednesday at 8:00 a.m. at St. Pancras R.C. Church in Glendale
- Wednesday at 4:00 p.m. (virtual) at the Motherhouse in Amityville
- Thursday at 4:30 p.m. St. Mary’s R.C. Church in Roslyn – In Convent
- Saturday at 3:00 p.m. in St. Mary’s R.C. Church Roslyn – In Convent
If you would like to participate from home or incorporate this prayer into your local community prayer, please contact us for orientation materials:
Email: communications@amityop.org
Strengths Finder
S. Marjorie McGregor, OP has been helping people discover their strengths for almost 20 years now. It began at Sacred Heart Church in North Merrick with the pastor, Father Tom Gallagher who "saw gifts in everyone." The amazing book "Living Your Strengths," helps people -- through a test to discover what their gifts are...an amazing insight!
S. Marjorie found out one of her strengths was "restoration." For her, this did not mean fixing old cars but helping others feel whole: "where they can continue to move on in their spiritual journey." During her nine years at the parish as a pastoral associate in stewardship and family life activity, she led approximately 200 people to explore their personal strengths and use them in parish ministry using this book. "When you work with your strengths, you are the happiest." S. Marjorie continues this work in her current ministry of spirituality and retreats.
For more information, please contact:
Sister Mary Dismas Marschhauser shares her story as a missionary: