Join Our Dominican Companion Program
Sign Up for Recurring Gifts

This program invites donors to consider a monthly financial commitment to the Sisters. Participants choose a gift amount that is deducted monthly from their bank or credit card account and receive no other solicitations during the year.

As a Dominican Companion, your donation goes further by helping reduce administrative, postage, and paper costs, allowing us to more effectively manage limited resources.

Become a Dominican Companion

Fill out the form below with your contact and account information to sign up today for Recurring Gifts! Your gift will automatically be deducted from your credit card or bank account on the 21st of each month. Your gift has no end date, but you may contact us at any time to terminate your gift or change your gift amount. Please contact us with any changes to your account, i.e., credit card expiration date. Thank you for your support!

Donation Amount
Choose how much you would like to donate monthly.

Credit Card or Bank Account Information

Your monthly donation will automatically be deducted from your credit card or bank account on the 21st of each month.
Enter '0' if using a Credit Card
Enter '0' if using a Bank Account